Contrast between Mobile and Birmingham can be often confused! Mobile Alabama and Birmingham Alabama are both cities in the state of Alabama, USA. Mobile is a historic port city on the Gulf Coast of Alabama, while Birmingham is a famous city in the Northcentral region of Alabama. Most people confuse these cities for each other as they co-exist in the state of Alabama, but each has unique attributes which differentiate it from the other. Thus, highlighting the attributes of each city, this article aims to differentiate between Mobile Alabama and Birmingham Alabama. Using certain categories, we will assess this differentiation in contrast between Mobile and Birmingham AL.

Cost of Living

Based on statistics, Mobile, AL is a more expensive city to live in than Birmingham, AL. Birmingham, AL is estimated to be 9.5% less expensive to live in than Mobile, AL. The cost of living in Mobile is estimated to be 81.9 below the national average of 100, while Birmingham comes in at 74.1. While the average cost of homes in Mobile, AL is about $120,500 and in Birmingham, AL about $65,500. This goes to show the differences in the cost of living of both cities. The Cost of living can change over time due to the economy, world news, etc.


Both cities also have differing populations. Mobile, AL has roughly 190,000 people and Birmingham, AL has roughly over 210,000 people. So, Birmingham Alabama tends to be denser than Mobile Alabama in terms of population. The racial composition of these cities also differs. Birmingham, AL has a black-dominated population where about 71.3% of the people are blacks and 22.8% are white. Also, Mobile, AL has about 50.2% of its population as blacks and 43.5% as whites.

The female population in Mobile, AL is also about 52.3% and 52.7% for Birmingham, AL. The male population is about 47.7% in Mobile Alabama and 47.3% in Birmingham Alabama. This states that both cities although on different variations tend to have more females than males. Additionally, they are both populated by blacks, although Birmingham has a larger black population.


In terms of education, Birmingham, AL spends roughly 17.7% more on education than Mobile, AL. It spends about $11,800 per student, while Mobile Alabama spends roughly $10,000 per student. This means that the government spends more on students in Birmingham, AL than in Mobile. Regardless, Mobile Alabama has a larger Graduate community of roughly 28.1% than Birmingham’s 25.7%. Therefore, if you’re looking for a graduate community, know that you are likely to find one in Mobile, Al than in Birmingham, AL.

Both cities are great work sites, Mobile Alabama has an average salary of about $39,200, while Birmingham Alabama comes in lower at $31,217. This means individuals are likely to have fair pay working in any of these cities. Mobile, AL also has an unemployment rate of 6.2% which when compared to the 5.6% of Birmingham, AL is quite high. The unemployment rate is therefore one of the different factors of both cities, which relates to their economies.

Commute Time

In terms of commute time, they are fairly the same but still there exists a difference. Mobile Alabama has an average commute time of 21.9 minutes and Birmingham Alabama has an average of 21.52 minutes. This means that commuting within these cities takes fairly long in comparison with other cities.

All Things Considered Contrast Between Mobile And Birmingham AL

In summary, the cities of Mobile Alabama and Birmingham Alabama are in the same state of Alabama but differ in many ways. The former is located on the Gulf Coast of the state, while the latter is in the north-central region. Differences aside, both are good places to live. If you are looking to Buy a house in Alabama, it is advisable to go with Mobile for its affordability. However, if you want to get a house easily, Birmingham Alabama should be your go-to.