Relocating is one thing you do sometime in your life either as a child or as an adult. Regardless of the place you are moving to or the time, you will need information on housing. If you are planning to move to Alabama and can’t make a decision between Montgomery and Mobile Alabama, you need information. One thing that will help your decision with both places is the difference between housing. In this article, we will look at the differences between houses in Montgomery and Mobile Alabama.

Differences between houses in Montgomery and Mobile Alabama

There are a lot of areas to look at when trying to compare houses in these two places. Some of the areas you can consider for the housing differences in Alabama are the:

  1. Structure And Design
  2. Cost Of the House (Both Purchase and Rentals)
  3. Availability Of Houses Etc.

Cost of Houses

Comparing the prices of housing in both Montgomery and Mobile Alabama, you need to consider two very important aspects. The first aspect is homeownership and the second is rental since these two make up the housing information. In Montgomery, the average home value is $118,638 and in Mobile, the average home value is $148,155. This means to own a home in Mobile Alabama on an average budget, you need about $30,000 compared to Montgomery. The average rental cost of houses in Montgomery, however, is a bit higher than that of Mobile Alabama. The average cost of rental in Montgomery is about $1,205 while the average cost in Mobile is $1,112.

Availability of houses

Another important factor is knowing how available houses are in the location you are planning to choose. The availability of houses in both Montgomery and Mobile is quite low when checking out the overall statistics. This is because the ratio of occupied houses is high on both the owners end and the rental side. Regarding vacant houses, the availability rate is about 15.9% in Mobile and 14.6% in Montgomery. A higher percentage of houses are on the ownership side, then the rest goes between rentals and vacant ones. So, you can still get a house for purchase or rental in Mobile Alabama easily than in Montgomery.

Structure and design

If you are looking for a house based on the structure or type then there is a variation. If you are in search of a town home, its easier to get one in Montgomery than Mobile. On the other hand, Mobile has more apartment complexes compared to Montgomery. Mobile also has a little more mobile homes than townhomes unlike Montgomery having more townhomes than mobile ones. Generally comparing the two locations in Alabama, there are more homes in Montgomery than Mobile.

The way the houses are constructed in both Montgomery and Mobile are also a bit different. First stories are popular with brick and wood cladding while second stories go with half-timber and stucco. The appreciation rate of houses in both places are also very far apart if you look closely. Houses in Montgomery show a decline over the past years but still manages to stay above the national average. It boasts of an appreciation rate of 5.86% but Mobile has always has it below the national average. However, in the last year, it has peaked to the highest with a rate of 14.33%.


Looking at the differences between houses in Montgomery and Mobile Alabama, you should now be able to make your choice depending on what you want. If you are looking to purchase a house in Alabama, it is advisable to go with Montgomery for its affordable costs. However, if you want to get a house easily, you should go for Mobile Alabama.